Always Upstream

Always Upstream
In nature, few things are as relentless as a fish pushing upstream against the current. It's a feat of strength and endurance that requires grit, determination, and unwavering resilience. But just like the fish that push against the current, people face obstacles that can be equally as challenging. At the FYSH Foundation, we believe that everyone deserves a chance to swim against the current and reach their destination.

Fishing, like life, can be unpredictable. It's not always easy, and it can be challenging to know where to start. But by learning to cast, read the water, and understand the habits of the fish, you can begin to unlock a new world of possibilities. Like the fish that push against the current, we, too, must be willing to take risks, learn from our mistakes, and never give up.

Everyone deserves the chance to experience the joy and satisfaction of catching a fish on the fly. And just like the fish that push against the current, we know that the journey is as important as the destination. At the FYSH Foundation, we aim to help people find their inner strength and push upstream toward their goals.

Through our programs, we offer individuals and families the opportunity to explore the great outdoors and discover the resilience that lies within us all. Whether you're looking to try fishing for the first time or are a seasoned angler looking to improve your skills, we're here to help you every step of the way.

So, if you're feeling like you're swimming against the current, take heart. Just like the fish that push upstream to reach their destination, you, too, have the strength, determination, and resilience to reach your goals. At the FYSH Foundation, we're here to help you on your journey every step of the way.

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  • Why We Did It!

    Why We Did It!

    Fishing is more than just a hobby for us. It’s a way of life. We’ve experienced firsthand the joy, peace, and sense of accomplishment that can be found on the water. We also know that life can be challenging, and that finding those moments of happiness can sometimes feel out of reach.

    That’s why we created the FYSH Foundation. We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to experience the healing power of nature, to feel the support of others, and to find their own version of outdoor independence. Our mission is to provide those opportunities to people who might not otherwise have access to them.

    We’re not doing this for recognition or accolades. We’re doing it because we’ve been fortunate enough to experience the positive impact that fishing and other outdoor activities can have on a person’s life. We want to pay it forward, and help others find that same sense of peace, joy, and accomplishment.

  • Outdoor Freedom

    Outdoor Freedom

    "When you're out in nature, it doesn't matter what color your skin is, where you were born, or what your background is. The only thing that matters is your presence in that moment. Whether you're casting a line in a river, hiking a mountain trail, or camping under the stars, the outdoors is a place where you can be yourself without fear of judgment.

    But for many people, that feeling of freedom is fleeting. As soon as they leave the outdoors and return to the city, the judgment and prejudices that exist in society come rushing back. It's a painful reminder that the world isn't always as accepting as nature."

  • Meet The Founder

    Meet The Founder

    Lael Johnson, the founder of The F•Y•S•H Foundation, has always been drawn to helping people and found his passion for the outdoors and fishing as a powerful tool for making a positive impact in other people's lives. His background in healthcare and service in the Army Reserves inspired his desire to care for others, regardless of their background or identity.

    Through The F•Y•S•H Foundation, Lael aims to create a safe, inclusive space for all and make a lasting impact on the community. His unwavering dedication to the foundation's mission has inspired countless individuals and organizations to join him in supporting his work.