Meet The Founder

Meet The Founder
Lael Johnson of The F•Y•S•H Foundation

When you meet Lael Johnson, you can immediately sense that he's a man on a mission. As the founder of The F•Y•S•H Foundation, his passion for helping others is palpable. But who is the man behind the foundation? Where did he come from, and what inspired him to create this incredible organization?

Lael's background in healthcare is where he received his desire to care for others regardless of where they are from or how they came to be in his care. He grew up in Topeka, Kansas, and discovered the healing power of fishing at a young age. As a child and teenager, he often escaped the world's stress by finding peace and solitude on the water. He would need more of that peace after spending time in the Army Reserves working as an Operating Room Specialist helping soldiers that need surgical assistance after being wounded in battle. After his service, he landed in Seattle in 2005 to work as a traveling surgical technologist at the Seattle Children's Hospital. Here in the Pacific Northwest, Lael genuinely connected with the healing power of nature. He has always been drawn to helping people, and he quickly realized that his passion for the outdoors and fishing could be a powerful tool for making a positive impact in other people's lives and is one of the reasons he chose to be a professional fishing guide.

In 2022, with help from the Ford Bronco Wild Fund, Lael founded The F•Y•S•H Foundation to create a community of anglers and outdoor enthusiasts who could light the path for others to find peace and happiness of their own through fishing and the outdoors. Since then, the foundation has grown in leaps and bounds, and Lael's passion for helping others has only strengthened.

Through his work with The F•Y•S•H Foundation, Lael aims to impact countless lives and make a lasting impact on the community. His commitment to creating a safe, inclusive space for all is truly inspiring, and his dedication to the foundation's mission is unwavering. So the next time you see a F•Y•S•H Foundation decal or sticker, know that it represents the hard work, passion, and dedication of a man who has dedicated his life to helping others. And if you're not already involved with the foundation, we encourage you to join us in supporting Lael and his fantastic work. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those around us.

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